Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5K... it's not about the money

My cousin, Angel (we'll call her "FlyRunner"), has done the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Charlotte for as long as I can remember. I have always been in awe of that probably b/c I am the farthest thing from a runner there can be. I think I might even RUN FROM RUNNING.

She signs up & straps on that race number every year and finishes at a time about 12 years ahead of what I might do. Not only does she run the race, she also raises money for it too! Talk about great multi-tasking!

Recently, after a bit of research on her part, FlyRunner discovered The Breast Cancer Research Foundation has a larger portion of its donations going to ACTUAL research. She has since suggested that all those generous donors out there send their funds to an organization that uses those donations in a way she felt would better serve the future for curing breast cancer... and she still runs the Komen race.

The race in Charlotte is usually in October. Last year, FlyRunner wasn't able to do the race for scheduling challenges, so she's making up for it by doing two races this year - the Richmond & the Charlotte races.

The Race for the Cure in Richmond is one Saturday in May. Since just about all of FlyRunner's family lives in the area (or close enough to drive), it's a great opportunity for everyone to take part in it. When I was approached with the idea to walk (yes, we are WALKING this race. FlyRunner will run the Charlotte race later in the year), I didn't hesitate. I have wanted to do something like this for a long time & this was perfect!

So started "Jean's team"... Named in memory of my aunt, FlyRunner's mother, the women (ok, mi padre too and assorted kids of male variety) in my family will be getting together to walk in her honor. I have to admit, I am really looking forward to it! I want to finish the walk/race with new inspiration within me; having been through an experience that not everyone has done; and completed for reasons that are imporantant to me and my family.

I have a while to prepare for it... Looks like it's about time to lace up those shoes & get outside!

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