Sunday, December 30, 2007

After the Holiday... & then the rains came

Ok, i'm not really complaining about the rain, just curious why it wasn't until the VERY end of the year it decided to arrive. The rain has been coming down since this morning & it's definitely one of those days to stay in bed & read.

ok, you're right... who am i kidding? That's just about every day for me!

But i digress. Christmas has come & gone. I had 3 days of gift-opening & it was NICE!!! (wait, am i too old to admit that?) To be honest, (& I hope my dad is reading this) I think i am FINALLY at the age where I like to see what other people get and their reactions to the gifts they receive. Don't get me wrong - gifts don't sit around all week waiting to be unwrapped, but it's nice to not be in a big rush i was as a child (no, that wasn't last year).

I made out pretty well... got a ping pong table that will require some tools, but also some rearranging of the garage. I feel a visit from Dan, the Tool Man, (aka aaron's dad) is in order. He can definitely help with arranging things.

I got some sweaters, jewelry (one very special piece of jewelry that i will keep a mystery if you don't already know), giftcards, odds & ends, leather luggage (just in time for my cruise in Jan). The list goes on, but i won't bore you with the details. I assume that's only important to me =)

I have been off since Christmas Eve & i have to admit, i can get used to this! It's nice to have time off & not have to use vacation time. (or take time without pay as i will in Jan since i won't have vacation time earned then).

Now that the holidays are just about over (we don't have NY Eve plans other than cracking open the bottle of bubbly we usually get) , i can put my focus where it needs to be ---- THE CRUISE!!!! That's right, if you happened to miss me talking about it, we leave for Miami on Jan 10th. I can't wait! it's a 9-day cruise out of Miami to the Southern Caribbean. We have 5 ports of call (Barbados, St Lucia, Tortola, Dominican Republic, Antigua) & 3 sea days. We'll also be staying another day in Miami on the way back home after the cruise. I lucked out & that's a holiday i have off from work. I didn't see anything wrong with stretching out the vacation just a little longer... who can blame me?

We are taking my mom & dad with us on this trip. It will be their first on NCL & their first experience with "freestyle", so let's hope they like it. Mom's broken ankle is doing better & she starts PT this week. I think she'll be up for a few runs by the time we leave. Ok, not really all that, but she should definitely feel better than she did a few weeks ago. If you talk to her, make sure you ask if she's got her foot propped up (& report to me if she doesn't!)!

With less than 2 weeks until the cruise, I have some packing to get to!
Happy New Year!!!


Anonymous said...

I am soooo jealous of your cruise!! Can I stow away in your bags?? Also, I haven't talked to you in ages and is everything going?? I want to hear about your new job AND your new jewelry. (Let's be honest, I really just care about the jewelry).

xoxo be careful on your trip!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah it's katie nelson